Those works all have merit, and are just as worthy of being shared with the world at large as any other. The world needs creators willing to tell mature stories and create mature works for mature people. Our company was founded by a collaboration of eroge developers, so the freedom to tell creative stories and to include sexual expression in those stories is a key element to their identity that we continue to uphold. Part of why we localize eroge is for those reasons. Sexual expression is just as important to our culture, our individuality, and our needs as people, so there’s no good reason to be dismissive of it. The second, of course, is the mistaken assumption that there’s something inherently bad or wrong with pornography or any work created with the goal of arousing and exciting readers. Being able to include those elements only furthers the depth a story can offer. Sexuality is an important aspect of human nature, personal relationships, and character development. The first of course, is the judgmental assumption that featuring sexuality and sex as one element of a story devalues the entire work or product, which couldn’t be further from the truth. MangaGamer: Well, the idea of labeling all eroge as “just porn” is rather discriminatory and prejudiced from the start for several reasons.

So, why would you take on the intensive task of localizing these titles?

Operation Rainfall: ‘Eroge’ are often compared to and labeled as just “porn”. (Formatting and Layout), Azario Lopez (Questions) Reader discretion is advised.īy: Benny Carrillo (Questions/Interviewer/Image Editing), William Haderlie (Questions), Quentin H. Please be advised that due to the nature of the topic at hand and the images below, this article is NSFW. Finally we’ll close with some thoughts on Western Developed Eroge and some recommendations incase you’d like some suggestions as to where to start when it comes to this fascinating genre. We asked why the would even localize these titles? If they really are just porn or if there’s something more? What’s the difference between how Japan and the West view sexuality? We also talk about the impact Kindred Spirits on the Roof has made as well as Yaoi and Yuri in general. Today we bring you another interview we conducted with them, regarding the often controversial topic of Eroge. Yesterday we brought you an interview with MangaGamer talking about Visual Novel Localization.